by Luigi Pirandello
Kirche am Steinhof, Vienna, 1985
Co-production with the Schauspielhaus Vienna / Vienna Festival
Director: Hans Gratzer
Schauspielhaus Vienna, 1984
Concept, Stage and Costume Design: Ina Peichl
Costume Design Assistant and Realisation: Esther Geremus
Technical Stage Manager: Michael Zerz
Lighting Designer: Karl Kases
Production: Ulrike Neulinger
Best Boy: Toni Wiesinger
with Tatja Seibt, Günter Einbrodt, Georg Kern, Bea Frey,
Vera Borek, Klaus Zmorek, Jens Gross, et al.
Luigi Pirandello’s unfinished play “The Mountain Giants” has long been considered unworkable for the stage. Ina Peichl chose the grounds of the notorious Steinhof asylum, built by Otto Wagner, as the location for the play. She set up the stage straight across from the altar in the clinic’s chapel. The audience had to walk through the inpatient hospital to get there. Location and set design reflected in a spectacular way Pirandello’s fluid transition from truth-telling to the reality outside of art